An intimate encounter with ourselves
During my journey of self-discovery, I found myself trying to please others. Trying to be something I wasn't, ignoring myself.
Seeing myself in that situation triggered my creative curiosity. Who was I really?…
I made a mask of myself, and to my surprise, I went through an intimate and transformative face-to-face experience with myself.
Seeing myself there, frozen in time, was a waterfall of emotions, it wasn't a mask… it was me. Something immensely healing, recognizing that all those masks that I used at some point to please, were always wonderful versions of myself. Overcoming every obstacle in life, growing, loving, living...
This project is born from a personal self-recognition, a moment of healing and acceptance of oneself.
Accepting who we are, and valuing and loving ourselves is a process that is not so simple, but is immensely necessary for a life in harmony, peace, and love. Face to face with ourselves, forgiveness, compassion, recognition…
Throughout life, human beings develop different ways of communicating, and we have the need to live in society. We need to be accepted, and we seek approval from others. Being loved is a basic need for life, like breathing and eating.
And in that demand seek love, happiness, and perfection. Throughout life, we forget about ourselves, to look at ourselves and see that true acceptance is inside, true love lives in us.
Cara a Cara (Face to Face) is a collection of sculptures and photographs.
The sculptures are exact molds of people's faces, where they experience the feeling of seeing themselves with each gesture, each scar, expression, etc. Frozen in time.
Within the collection, there are different groups, depending on the people chosen, the inspiration, and what identifies each face. The masks are made of different materials, and/or made up with different themes that contribute to the symbology.
It predominates plaster due to its pure white color, but there are also precious stones such as amethyst symbolizing hidden beauty, plants for the rebirth of life, or ice that speaks of the ephemeral aspect of life.
The selected themes for this first presentation are varied and reflect lived emotions, different realities, and personalities.